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Hello there, I have tried the game and have to say that it is pretty good, couldnt try all of it as I am on a laptop with low memory, but regardless I think the game is good. There was a issue I found with the stairs by the moving platforms, and that is that they stop you from jumping if too close. Great demo, might play it when I get a better pc, if I remember it.

Thank you Nate, hopefully I'll be able to create enough stuff in the future which will make you remember it

Hey mike, good job on finishing your project. It's been great seeing you progress from month to month & seeing all of the things you are learning on your game dev journey.

Luna is definitely more polished than before & the progress you made it was pretty quick, so well done. Make sure you keep at this so you can always perfect what to do next! Great work Mike. 

Thanks Aaron, I plan to still use these skills and hopefully learn a few more along the way, untill the full game is released.

So keep in touch, you'll hopefully learn some more soon.